måndag 4 oktober 2010

Ta på dig slöjan ledde till skadestånd

ENGLAND Tänk er följande: En kvinna med slöja jobbar i en butik där ägaren säger till henne att hon måste ta av den annars får hon sparken. Om det hade inträffat skulle kvinnan gått direkt till DO, som vunnit målet utan några hinder och kvinnan fått ett större skadestånd.

Vänd nu på hela situationen. Kvinnan beordras av ägaren att TA PÅ slöjan. Skulle det bli ett mål för DO i Sverige? Men i England är det precis vad som skett. Och kvinnan vann.

Ghazala Khan, 31, är en icke praktiserande muslim fick sparken efter bara tre veckor från sitt på jobb på en mäklarfirma just på grund av att hon vägrade ta på sig slöjan. Ägaren Masood Ghafoor sa till henne att hela hans familj bar niqab och hennes föräldrar hade givit på tok för mycket friheter. Han sa att hon inte var en god muslim och skulle Ghazala varit hans dotter hade hon inte fått jobba alls utan blivit bortgift snarast. Enligt honom hade hela muslimska befolkningen i stadsdelen skvallrat om hennes beteende och sagt att hon var respektlös. Ägaren sa också att hans kusin Shakeel, även han anställd, var missnöjd med att jobba med en kvinnlig anställd som inte bar slöja och var ‘westernised’, delvis anammat västerländskt beteende.

Efter att Ghazala Khan fått sparken gick hon till brittiska DO och i förra veckan vann hon målet och får 13 500 pund i skadestånd.

Daily Mail:

”Muslim woman sacked from estate agency for REFUSING to wear a headscarf,” from the Daily Mail, October 3 (thanks to Zulu):

A Muslim woman has been awarded more than £13,500 after she was sacked for refusing to wear a headscarf at the estate agency where she worked. Ghazala Khan – a 31-year-old non-practising Muslim – was fired less than two weeks into her job at a company run by traditional Muslim businessman Masood Ghafoor simply because she refused to cover her hair. Mr Ghafoor told Miss Khan, who had nine years experience in the trade, that his wife and female relatives all wore full veils or burkas, telling her that her parents had given her ‘far too much freedom’.

A tribunal heard that Miss Khan had been employed to run Mr Ghafoor’s Go Go Real Estate office in Leeds, West Yorkshire, in June 2009. However, within days of working there she was left feeling ‘very uncomfortable and intimidated’ when Mr Ghafoor put it to her that she had not been brought up as a ‘good Muslim’ and that if she had been his daughter she would not be allowed to work and would have been long since ‘married off’.

He asked her to wear a headscarf at work – even though white non-Muslim women he employed in the same office were never asked to and never did.

On the day she was due to start her third week in the job, Mr Ghafoor told her not to bother coming in. When she eventually caught up with him later that evening he told her that members of the Muslim community had been ‘gossiping’ and suggested that she was not ‘respectable’ and that there might be ‘something going on’ between her and members of staff. Mr Ghafoor added that his cousin Shakeel, who was also employed in the office, was unhappy working with a female especially as she did not wear a headscarf, was not religious and was Westernised. [...]

The tribunal heard that at her job interview Miss Khan had worn a grey pinstripe trouser suit, described as ‘conventional modern professional dress’. [...]

Changing his story:

The tribunal heard that Mr Ghafoor had originally told Miss Khan there was no problem with the way she dressed. ‘He was happy that she was fully covered up by the black trousers and long sleeved blouses and tops that she wore to work,’ the tribunal heard. ‘By the time of the hearing, he was saying that she had chosen to wear clothing of a very revealing nature.’…

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